
Halflings are clever, capable opportunists. Halfling individuals and clans find room for themselves wherever they can. Often they are strangers and wanderers, and others react to them with suspicion or curiosity. Depending on the clan, halflings might be reliable, half-working citizens, or they might be thieves just waiting for the opportunity to make a big score. Regardless, they're cunning, resourceful survivors.

Halflings prefer trouble to boredom, and they are notoriously curious. Relying on their ability to survive or escape danger, they demonstrat a daring that many larger people can't match. Halfling clans are nomadic, wandering wherever circumstance and curiosity tae them.

Halflings tend to be neutral. While they are comfortable with change, they also tend to rely on intangible constants, such as clan ties and personal honor. Halflings often set out on their own ta make their way in the world. For a halfling, adventuring is less of a career than an opportunity. The distinction between a halfling adventurer and a halfling on her own looking for "a big score" can sometimes get blurry, and while halfling opportunism can sometimes look like larceny or fraud to others, a halfling adventurer who learns to trust her fellows is worthy of trust in return.

Lightfoot Halfling/Kender Tallfellow Halfling Ghostwise Halfling Stout Halfling Strongheart Halfling

Strongheart Halflings, Faerun

While the lightfoot halflings value the experience of travel and the sight of new lands and peoples, the stronghearts are a more organized, orderly, and industrious race. They build to last, and fiercely defend their homelands against threats that their lightfoot kin would simply flee. Northland humans familiar with the easygoing ways of the lightfoot halflings are surprised to learn that some halflings are capable of a warrior tradition and aren't afraid to show a hint of arrogance or confidence in their own abilities or strengths. Strongheart halflings enjoy athletic contests and value exceptional skills of all kinds.

Strongheart halflings are not only thicker than lightfoots, but they are also taller, and consequently are often mistaken for small dwarves. Many stronghearts are able to grow beards, and those who do are held in high regards within a clan. The women tend to be more settled than normal and grow wide hips that bear many children. "The larger the family, the stronger the clan" is a true Strongheart saying.

Racial Traits

  • +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength
  • Small Size: +1 size modifier to attack rolls and AC, +4 size bonus to hide and move silently skills.
  • Skill Affinity: A halfling receives a +2 racial bonus to the Listen and Move Silently skills
  • Lucky: +1 luck bonus to all saving throws
  • Fearless: +2 morale bonus to saving throws against spells and effects of the fear subtype
  • Good aim: +1 racial bonus to attack rolls made with throwing weapons