Character History Submission Form

To assist the DM staff to become familiar with characters and give them plots and quests that will be the most suitable and fun to their character, we would urge all players to fill out the following information for their characters. This form is only required if you are also submitting an Epic Level Application, and all fields are optional, but the more information you give us, the more we can do with it.
If your character is a member of a Planescape Sect, please select "Sect" in the faction dropdown, and specify your sect in "Additional Remarks" at the bottom. If your character is not a member of a faction, please select "Clueless".
Please note, however, that filling out this information does not guarantee any more quests or activity over not filling it out. This is to be helpful, as to have information at the staffs disposal should it be relevant.

If you are in doubt as to how to fill in this information, please click here for submission guidelines.

Player Information....
Email address:
Gamespy Login:
GC Forum Login:
Character Information, Basics...

Character Name:
Character Information, Details...

Planescape Faction:
Home Plane / Region:


Character Information, Personality / Temperment...

Character Information, History...

Potential NPCs
From History:

Additional Remarks...

--Posted 15 May 07 by Miss Sashi