Player's Code of Conduct

I will conduct myself in a mature, adult manner whenever I am on the Gatecrashers server. I will treat the players, dungeon masters and administrators with respect.

I understand that for each character I interact with, there is a player behind the screen. I will remain mindful of this at all times. Even if my character ICly hates or is in conflict with their character, I will treat their player with OOC respect. An OOC tell asking for permission to do something, or thanking them for the time that they invested in roleplaying with me is never out of order.

I will remember that sometimes we win, and sometimes we lose, and that both successes and failures are an integral part of character development.

I will remain mindful of the fact that sometimes the Dungeon Masters and Administrators simply want to spent time logged on as a player. Even if I know their player login name, I will remember that when they are on as a player, they are off-limits for DM and Admin tasks and questions, unless there is a critical situation (exploiting, hack attempts, etc), and there are no other Dungeon Masters or Administrators available.

If I have a situation that I need Dungeon Master help for, I will make a detailed page on the DM channel. (Eg. I won't say "Hey, can someone help me?" I will say, "I am physically stuck, could a DM come and unstick me?")

I will understand that when a Dungeon Master is involved in a quest, they are unavailable for general help, questions and answers, and resolutions, unless there is a critical situation and no one else is available. When it is my turn to quest, they will give me an equal level of attention.